Sunday, April 15, 2007

Journal Question

Get students to practice their writing online by prompting them with journal questions to respond to. Students can personalize their answers, comments to each others', and add photos to make the process more enjoyable.

A useful source for questions is

Post a comment to the following question.

Should a city try to preserve its old, historic buildings or destroy them and replace them with modern buildings? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.


Anonymous said...

If the building is of a unique distinction - I mean "rare" or "sacred" like Ka'ba in Makka or a cathedral - that should be preserved, otherwise it cuold be replaced by a more fruitful one.

Anonymous said...

I think cities should keep their own historic buildings as a mark for their ancient hardship and creativity. This is considered to be part of the old genration share in buiding up the human being civilisations.However, if thiese old and historical buildings are to be swept out , this means that part of the history is demloished and so another chain is lost. How can we know about ancient civilisations if these old buildings of the ancient egyption civilisation were destroyed?

hajawi said...

I think the most important buildings that show the nation civilization should be kept.But as for any other old buildings, I think they can be destroyed and replaced with modern buildings since most of them take a lot of space that can be used effictively for modern buildings and car parks

mohamed zarrouk said...

To me,a city has to preserve its historic buildings.they stand for all our historic heritage that we can never neglect.I think its importance lays in the fact that this history is the ownership of the coming generations.

adulfatteh said...

Old,historic buildings should be preserved because they represent the identity of the city and they contain a record of the traditions and civilisation of the people of that very city and may be the country as a whole.

Anonymous said...

I think it's better for any historic city to keep it's old historic buildings for the following reasons :
1- it's the respionsibility of us all to preserve old sites and to take care of them . It's the history of the people who lived in the past, so we have no right to destroy them, othrwise we are destroying our own heritage.2- The coming generations have the right to witness what their ancestors did in the past, how they lived and what kind of life they had .
3- There have to be a variety in our buildings. Everything modern will be boring. You can imagine urself living in the past whenever u visit one of these places.